Collaboration with leading local and global research groups
As one of South Africa’s top research-led universities, Stellenbosch University plays an important role in supporting the development of a vibrant renewable and sustainable energy industry in South Africa. The current research efforts coordinated by CRSES are done in collaboration with leading research groups across South Africa and the globe. If you want to work with us, get in touch.

Department of Science and Innovation Energy Research Programme

This programme seeks to develop renewable energy research capacity and expertise within the national system of innovation using a hub-and-spokes model. It focuses on key strategic areas within the renewable energy value chain such as
- Deepening knowledge: undertaking research projects for knowledge creation and better understanding of renewable and sustainable energy;
- Technology development and deployment: encompassing all the necessary processes involved in developing renewable energy technologies;
- Human capital development: developing the required skills set to service the dynamic energy sector at postgraduate level;
- Market transformation – initiatives with government, industry and academia to assist the energy sector with innovative products and services.
Eskom Power Plant Engineering Institute

EPPEI provides world-class training and research to drive engineering efficiency plants at eight University Specialisation Centres around South Africa – including Stellenbosch University. It fosters a dynamic relationship between industry and academia, including universities, universities of technology and the postgraduate student. This ensures a balance between applied, industry-relevant research and research with academic merit. Industrial partners are encouraged to get involved with this research and innovation to improve the power plant industry.
African Research Universities Alliance

ARUA brings together sixteen of Africa’s leading universities with a common vision: to enhance research and graduate training through a number of channels, including the setting up of Centres of Excellence (CoEs) to be hosted by member universities. Stellenbosch University hosts the Centre of Excellence in Energy, which investigates how to best integrate renewable energy into African food systems and value chains in order to address the large climate impact of agriculture, and to increase yields and reduce post-harvest losses of agricultural produce.
Fraunhofer Innovation Platform for the Water-Energy-Food Nexus at Stellenbosch University

This platform is a strategic partnership between Stellenbosch University (SU) and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft – Europe’s largest application-oriented research organisation. It involves SU’s Faculties of Engineering, Science and AgriSciences, under the auspices of the SU Water Institute and the Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies, as well as four Fraunhofer Institutes. The Fraunhofer Innovation Platform (FIP) will address the entire spectrum of water and energy security challenges in the region, from academic research to technology development, transfer and implementation. The objective of this long-term cooperation is to jointly develop tailored technological and cross-sectoral solutions for water, energy and food security – for the benefit of people and the environment.
Solar Thermal Energy Research Group

Affiliated with CRSES, STERG is a research group housed in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering. It was the first university research group in South Africa dedicated to solar thermal energy research. Its primary mission is to train students and deliver research outputs in Concentrating Solar Power (CSP).
STERG encourages multidisciplinary research activities and is presently expanding links with researchers in other departments and faculties. Together, we have established good links and cooperation with leading CSP research institutes worldwide.
The Power Systems Research Group

PSRG studies the impacts of increasing variable renewable energy generation and changing customer behaviour on the traditional electrical power system. Housed within the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Stellenbosch University, it forms a part of EPPEI’s Specialisation Centres network. Research activities are aimed at supporting the system operation, network planning and long-term capacity planning functions within the South African power industry. Strong partnerships with South Africa’s national utility, Eskom, and local municipal utilities support this aim.