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Vacancy: Postdoctral Research Fellowship in Fuzzy Logic Algorithms

University of Fort Hare


  • There is an ever-increasing need to utilise sophisticated artificial intelligence to improve the
    usage factor of renewable energy systems. The projects aims at using state-of-the art software
    and fuzzy logic methodologies as machine learning tools for the forecasting of PV system


• Successful formulation, design and application of Fuzzy Logic and Machine Learning Algorithms
• Utilisation of these algorithms for accurate short-term photovoltaic performance predictions
• Ability to use various Fuzzy data mining techniques
• Development of multi-rule-based Fuzzy Decision models applied to photovoltaic performance


• Doctoral degree in Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, Physics, or related field obtained
within the last 4 years
• A minimum of 3 years relevant experience in the abovementioned research areas
• A track record of publications in DHET accredited journals

Enquiries and further details regarding this post, may be directed to Dr. O. Ndiweni via email:
ondiweni@ufh.ac.za. Applications must be sent to postdocs@ufh.ac.za and cc Dr. Ndiweni .