Measuring our impact.

Since 2007, Stellenbosch University has made a significant contribution in the development of human capital and the generation of knowledge in renewable energy through the national research hub that is the Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies (CRSES).

Together, we’ve forged important international collaborations, carried out pioneering research and hosted awareness programmes and events as we continue to build a decarbonised future for electricity generation in Africa. Here are a few areas in which we have shown a measurable impact.

Teaching and learning

CRSES strives to produce highly skilled scientists, engineers and academics who can compete successfully in the global knowledge economy. We do this through the training of interns, masters and PhD candidates, as well as short courses designed to help people stay abreast of today’s fast-changing engineering landscape. Read more about the studies and training we facilitate.

Outreach and awareness

From schools awareness programmes to symposia and conferences, CRSES provides the access and spotlight for thought leadership to shine. We’ve hosted 10 Renewable Energy Postgraduate Symposiums (REPS) and collaborated with various universities on six Southern African Solar Energy Conferences (SASEC) to date.

We also realise that it’s imperative to raise children’s awareness of climate change and renewable energy. Since 2008, we’ve developed and shared free resources with teachers, in line with South Africa’s Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). Read more here.

Renewable energy advocacy

Transforming markets to clean energy requires constant advocacy. Our thought leaders lend their voices at regular international conferences, and constantly work to improve the policies and practices which shape the energy system.

World-class research

CRSES plays a coordinating role for a variety of renewable energy-related contract research projects where specialists from various disciplines participate in the fields of solar, wind, hydro, ocean, bio-energy and power systems. Our expertise includes grid integration and power systems, microgrids, renewable energy storage and energy efficiency.